PET scan update

Since I am nearing the half way point in my chemo rounds, I practically begged my oncologist to give me a scan.  I needed to know that the chemo was doing something, that all these side effects were worth it.  On Tuesday I had a PET scan.  In the cancer world we refer to scanxiety as the severe anxiety a cancer patient experiences before a scan.  My scanxiety was high!  Late yesterday afternoon I received my PET scan results in my online patient portal.  Unfortunately, I had just gone to the eye doctor and my eyes were dilated. One of my friends/colleagues was kind enough to offer to read the results to me.  The news: liver lesion has shrunk, a lymph node that had previously lit up on a scan was no where to be seen, and the lung nodules have not changed in size!  Yes I still have cancer in my body but now I know the chemo is doing something!  It mildly helps in the mental battle of sitting through chemo infusions and wearing the chemo pump for 48 hours. I won't have another scan until after round 12 of chemo and then I will find out more if surgery is the next step or continue with a maintenance chemo.


  1. Thanks for sharing!!! Fight on!

  2. Nancy, so good to get your positive news! We continue to storm heaven for you!! Love you Nancy! God bless you! Love, Sandy and John

  3. Thank you for your update! We are continuing to pray!

  4. Candles and prayers continue for your courageous battle. You are an amazing woman, Nancy. Love to you and Daniel. Jackie and Oso

    1. Hi Nancy: Hope all is going well! We sure think about you a lot and pray for you every day. Have a fine Thanksgiving celebration Nancy and Daniel!!!


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