First round of chemo

Yesterday was my first day of infusion chemo.  All was going well until the irintocan at which point I became very tired and not feeling well.  I pushed through to the end of that IV and am now wearing the pump until tomorrow.  Every few minutes the pump makes a sound and delivers some chemo to my body.  I have to wear it 24-7 so adjusting to keeping it with me all the time will be a challenge.  Today I am making an appointment to get my hair chopped off.  Thankfully it is long enough that I can donate it and then get it cut short so it hopefully won't be as traumatic when it falls out completely.  Later today I see my surgeon about the seroma and see how it is healing.  I am definitely feeling the impact of this round of chemo today.


  1. You are the strongest woman I know.. hang in there.

  2. Praying for you and hoping you feel better soon.

  3. Glad you pushed through the yuck and made it through, Nancy. Proud of you and praying for you!

  4. You are doing great, Nancy, So proud of you. Rhea

    1. Nancy, we were the Winberg's neighbors in Edmonds while Doug was growing up. I am praying for you as you go through this journey. special thoughts to you.

  5. We are praying and are with you Nancy!!

  6. Good morning, Nancy. Family and friends have notified me that they have sent well wishes to you on your blog and their comments are not posted. This has happened to me as well. I post the same way each time. I will send you their messages via email to you. Hope you are doing well this morning. Love you, Rhea

    1. Nancy, I am one of Rhea's cousins on the Mann family side. My husband and I are praying for you and send you thoughts of health and happiness. Ruth and Jason

  7. And so it begins...hang onto that smile! Your beautiful hair will make someone so happy! You'll get through this and it will grow again. Praying for your treatments will be kind to you and get the job done!


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