
Showing posts from February, 2018
12 rounds done!  Yes, after 5 long months I finally finished chemo.  Post chemo I had a PET scan which showed something still might be on my liver; basically it lit up but not brightly so an MRI with contrast was scheduled to look at that spot more closely.  The good news?  It was just a scar tissue spot from my last surgery!  This means that currently I have no active cancer in my body detectable by scans.  The words “remission” and “cured” are not in the Stage IV vocabulary.  This is because there are still likely cancer cells in my body but they are not detectable by scans.  So, every three months I will have scans and if something lights up will either have it removed surgically or return to chemo to try and shrink and kill the cells.  Prayers are still appreciated because this is a long road ahead with lots of chemo and surgical side effects that I will deal with for a long time.